School's harvest mass helps local foodbank
5th November 2013
Children at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School in Atherstone ended their Autumn half-term with a special harvest mass remembering the hard work farmers put into producing our food, as well as thinking of those people who do not have enough to eat.
This year donations from the school children and their families were sent to Tamworth foodbank as well as to 26 elderly or sick parishioners in Atherstone and the surrounding villages.And, because hunger is a global problem, the children also prayed for those around the world who do not have enough to eat.
Mrs Susan Shannon, Headteacher at St Benedict's said "It is heartening to see such a generous response from the school's families.We know that those who receive the harvest parcels are always touched that others are thinking about them and this is one of many ways in which we encourage the children to care for their wider community."
For further information please contact:
Head Teacher Mrs Susan Shannon – 01827 712320
Inspired Scientists at Saint Paul’s!
PRESS RELEASE - November 2013
Pupils from Saint Paul's Catholic High School in Wythenshawe recently took part in an inspirational day at the school designed to introduce them to the wide range of careers available in engineering, and to show them that they can aspire to be engineers too!
Pupils from Years 8 and 9 were able to participate in the careers driven show organized by "Science Made Simple" which brought the brilliance of science to life with an amazing, high energy interactive event.
The show focused on the magic of engineering and the pupils were able to discover how engineers design cars that go hundreds of miles an hour, build structures that can survive earthquakes, and cook food by using only mirrors!
Saint Paul's has specialist status for Engineering and has a distinctive science and engineering ethos running throughout the school and is very keen to inspire and engage the pupils in Science and Engineering.
The event aimed to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists with fun and participative activities. The activities highlighted how science, technology, engineering and maths relate to our everyday lives.
Mr Daniel Spencer, Science teacher at Saint Paul's, explained: "The activities were great fun and very popular with the pupils. The sessions helped the pupils see how Science and Engineering can be applied in real life."
"The pupils were able to consider what engineering is, where it can be found and how it has changed our lives," added Mr Spencer.
"Science and Engineering are vital to the future of our country and involvement in projects such as this are a great way for us to encourage our pupils to enjoy the subjects and see them as both interesting and accessible," commented Mrs Fiona Minshall, Head Teacher at Saint Paul's. "We need to do everything we can to inspire the next generation and show them the future opportunities available to them."
For further information please contact:
Jane McAuliffe-Hall
Publicity and Marketing Manager
St Paul's Catholic High School, a Voluntary Academy and Engineering College (Member of the Wythenshawe Catholic Academy Trust) Firbank Road Newall Green Manchester M23 2YS
Tel: 0161 437 5841
Anti-Bullying Training for Saint Paul’s Pupils
PRESS RELEASE- October 2013
A group of pupils at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe took part in anti-bullying training where they were able to explore and understand the issues of bullying through a series of interactive sessions.
The pupils, all members of the School Parliament, took part in the Diana Award Anti-Bullying Ambassadors training where they gained practical ideas and received tips on how to stop bullying, enabling them to prevent bullying and ensure everyone feels safe and happy in school.
The training provided the pupils with a greater understanding of the issue of bullying and allowed them to explore, through drama, scenarios Anti-Bullying Ambassadors may come across. They looked at the skills needed to support others and protective behaviours for keeping themselves and others safe.
“This was an excellent opportunity for our pupils, they left feeling inspired and with a clear action plan,” explained Ms Michelle Davies, School Parliament Link teacher. “The pupils took part in ideas sessions where they were able to share ideas and good practice and look at case studies and examples of schools who had effectively introduced anti-bullying practices.”
“At school, we send out a clear and positive message that bullying is neither acceptable nor inevitable at Saint Paul’s,” commented Mrs Fiona Minshall, Head Teacher at Saint Paul’s. “We all play a part in working together to create a society where bullying is not tolerated and where we all respond to bullying quickly and appropriately.”
For further information please contact:
Jane McAuliffe-Hall
Publicity and Marketing Manager
St Paul's Catholic High School, a Voluntary Academy and Engineering College (Member of the Wythenshawe Catholic Academy Trust) Firbank Road Newall Green Manchester M23 2YS
Tel: 0161 437 5841
Every year we all agree that the Rite of Welcome is a most moving occasion for the whole school. It is a beautiful ceremony, unique to St Mary's School, which welcomes all new staff and pupils to our community. Newcomers have now settled into school life, and we all rejoice in welcoming them as being truly part of the family. The Rite of Welcome took place on 27th September 2013 in chapel, and began with a word of greeting from the Head, Mr James.
The ceremony is based on a beautiful liturgical service expressed through hymns and reflections. Centred on God's Word, each individual is greeted in love, prayer and friendship. Firstly, we are all invited to listen to pupils and staff giving their first impressions since arriving. The support and kindness at St Mary's are felt as each girl acknowledges the warm welcome received, and the help and guidance from her 'Guardian Angel', that is, the girl assigned to offer practical care. The new girls were both articulate and funny in giving their first impressions. They spoke of much kindness at St Mary's, the wonderful lunches, the long kilts, the school drive which can be daunting, but most of all, of their joy in belonging here. Miss McGirr, our new member of the Mathematics Department, spoke warmly on behalf of new staff.
An excellent address on joining St Mary's was delivered by Miss Radford, Director of Music, who last term celebrated forty years of work at the school! Her talk was amazingly good, anecdotal, humorous, informative and delivered with great joy! She spoke of her gratitude in belonging to a family where values are shared by all; she referred to the generosity of the nuns in the early days; she spoke of community as organic, rooted in faith; she underlined the dignity and uniqueness of each one.
The most moving part of this ceremony is when each new member is called by name and comes forward accompanied by their sponsor. They are welcomed, blest, and receive a rose, together with the school Prayer Book. With new names adorning the chapel walls, and big smiles all around, with beautiful organ tones of 'O Praise ye the Lord', we thanked God for our new members at St Mary's.
Miss Andrea (Chaplain)
For further information please contact:
Mrs Charlotte Stephens
Marketing Manager & Registrar
01747 857102
07581 308255